China Needs to be Held Accountable

We should all be ashamed of our politicians. It should not have taken a global outbreak for us to realize that we have a monster in this world to be reckoned with. This is a monster that extends its grasp over its citizens by controlling their access to online materials and censoring the media. This is a monster who opened fire on its citizens and committed the Tiananmen Square massacre. This is a monster who imprisoned millions of Uighur Muslims in internment camps in order to prevent political dissent. This is a monster who forced women to abort their babies and abandon them in the streets during their one child policy. This is a monster that is the product of a communist regime who killed millions upon millions of people. This monster is China and the nations of the world can no longer grant them the privileges that come with being a part of the international community.

The actions of China within its borders are inexcusable on every moral level. However, domestic suppression has turned to international tyranny which the world must reckon with. The Chinese government has sought to encircle Taiwan, a state with a democratically elected president and the United States government has failed to recognize this state’s sovereignty for fear of our relations with China being harmed. In fact, President Donald J. Trump made a phone call with their leader and the politicians lashed out at him as if he had committed some irrevocable evil. The Guardian reported that one Democratic Senator stated that “This may make for great reality TV, but it doesn’t make for great leadership in a divided world.” I don’t know about you, but allowing China to assert its dominance over a sovereign state with 23 million people and a democratically elected president doesn’t sound like it will heal a divided world.

This pandering to China is not merely a phenomena reserved for its relations with the U.S. The UN provides for the wants and needs of China on a daily basis. As reported by Foreign Policy 4 out of 15 of the specialized UN agencies are run by Chinese Nationals. By comparison the U.S., Britain, and France lead the same number. This country who has been rapidly developing its economy and military to establish dominance in the South China Sea currently portrays itself as a developing country to the WTO. This is despite having the second largest economy in the entire world according to the World Bank. It would be expected that this high status among the nations would be predicated on good behavior from China, but the country’s past and present show that this is not the case.

The outbreak of Covid-19 must be the final straw in Chinese dominance and any privileges which it has had from either the U.S. or the global community. The Chinese government suppressed American reporters, allowed its citizens to live in filth and contract the disease, and prevented its own doctors from spreading the news about the severity of this disease. The New York Times reported the death of Dr. Li Wenliang who spoke out about the coronavirus long before it became a global pandemic. This man was silenced by the censorship of the Chinese government and was prevented from warning all of us of the impending disaster. Even if the Chinese government did not engineer this virus, they must be held responsible for at least some of the havoc it has wrought on the world and we must realize that this path to global destruction has been long in the making.

Right now the virus has caused layoffs and sent the economy into a downward spiral. When single mothers and fathers are put out of jobs and need to go on food stamps to feed their children it is time to take action. The dominance of China is no longer contained in their borders. This communist regime is attempting to spread the disease of oppression and tyranny across the world and it is up to every one of us to prevent that from happening. Democrat or Republican it is up to us to raise this issue to our representatives, because it is not enough to isolate ourselves in our own country. Oppression in the world will always end up on the doorstep of the most free country in the world. Just as we did in the Cold War it is up to us to defend the values of the West and prevent this dragon from consuming us.

Your humble servant,

Silence Dogood

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