China’s Actions in the Middle East are Meant to Cause Chaos

On Wednesday, The Wall Street Journal reported that China helped Saudi Arabia develop technology to advance it in its quest for nuclear capabilities. The facility that the two countries created together is used to extract uranium yellowcake out of uranium ore, which is essential in the development of nuclear weaponry. Although the country is a long way from being able to develop nuclear warheads, officials stated that it was a big step in the country’s drive to perfect nuclear technology. On the surface, it is unclear why China would raise such a controversial issue which is sure to raise a significant amount of backlash from Israel and her Western allies. Additionally, China is already allied with Pakistan which has nuclear capabilities and is in the same region as Saudi Arabia. They also have an estimated 320 nuclear warheads which can be delivered by sea, air, and land.

However, China has always been an agent of chaos on the world stage and its actions are an attempt to spread that chaos to other regions. In fact, they often benefit from instability. It allows them to maneuver outside of public view, when countries have their attention focused on other issues such as global pandemics. 

China is also able to weather the crises which it creates with much more ease, because of the totalitarian government which holds the country in its grip. People who live in democracies are not used to the suffering and uncertainty which conflict brings, but Chinese citizens must deal with it daily, and are much more tolerant of measures that are subversive to their rights. Hence, China likes international and regional instability.

There is certainly no better way for them to fuel this instability than by continuing to pit the Middle East’s two biggest powers, Iran and Saudi Arabia, against each other. Iran has been striving to attain nuclear weapons for years, but China’s actions may accelerate this struggle by creating a nuclear arms race between the two countries, which are divided along both religious and political lines. Effectuating this race would allow China to choose a side (Iran) and significantly strengthen its ties with that country.

This would put the U.S. at a significant disadvantage as they would be obligated to discourage both countries from obtaining these types of weapons. With the U.S. as a mediator and observer, we would be unable to aid any side in the race for nuclear weapons.

If the United States wishes to curb Chinese ambition it must strengthen relations with existing countries to create a block of stability in the wake of Chinese chaos. It can do this in the Middle East by continuing to provide Israel with advanced weapons and by unilaterally supporting Israel’s right to the West Bank. Additionally, it can make foreign military sales to Saudi Arabia (which is our largest buyer) contingent on limited involvement with the Chinese government. China has been continuing to exploit weaknesses on the world stage for a long time and it is important to make sure that our alliances our secure and dominant in order to counteract Chinese ambition. 

Your humble servant,

Silence Dogood