Kamala Harris is an Opportunist Who Won’t be Able to Heal a Divided Country

Today, in a spectacular turn of events, Joe Biden chose the woman who accused him of racism when discussing forced busing -Kamala Harris- as his vice presidential candidate. This will likely be one of the most important veep picks in history as Harris will wield significant influence in the White House as Joe Biden’s mental health declines. Voters certainly know this and that is why, instead of attacking Biden on his selection skills, Trump instead decided to call out Harris’s absurd policies in a White House press conference. This makes it particularly clear that this race is mainly between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. The most important question to moderate voters that Harris will have to answer in her campaign is this: Can she bring stability and healing to an extremely divided nation? Her record clearly answers this question in the negative as she has failed to condemn violence and tried to crush opponents using slanderous and inconsistent tactics.

Currently, the most important question for our politicians is whether they can stop the Antifa initiated violence that is engulfing cities. The violence is bad for people of every race, creed, and culture. Harris is certainly not the person to bring an end to this chaos. Instead of commending (or at least not criticizing Trump) when he sent federal troops to Portland, she decided to introduce the “Preventing Authoritarian Policing Tactics on America’s Streets Act.” If passed, it would have prevented the Trump administration from sending troops to Portland to stop the Antifa led violence in the streets. 

She has not once condemned the violence which had been going on for over fifty nights before federal law enforcement arrived. It appears that she wants to capitalize on the support of her radical left base. There is no easier way to promote violence than by using tactics such as she does. She fails to condemn the chaos while repeating the rioters’ talking points thereby ensuring that those who are committing crimes will continue to do so, because they see results. Harris is definitely not the candidate to stop violence and chaos in the cities.

She is also not the candidate to unite us at a time when we are very divided. One important way in which we can increase discourse is by at least not trying to slander those you disagree with. She certainly did not live up to this standard during the Brett Kavanaugh hearing. In fact, after he was appointed to the supreme court she released a statement saying that Christine Blasey Ford had, “serious and credible allegations of sexual assault” and that the appointment of Kavanaugh was “a disservice to survivors everywhere.” In essence, she tried to destroy his life based on the claims of an inconsistent woman who didn’t remember any details about the night of the alleged assault. Political banter has always been a part of politics but when someone tries to destroy their opponents with slanderous lies, it certainly does not promote discussion between people with different political affiliations.

Additionally, those who believe that she may have been sincere in her “believe all women” craze need to recognize that she is on the ticket with a man accused of sexually assaulting Tara Reade. When asked about the allegations against Joe Biden she stated, “I believe them, and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it.” This shows that she doesn’t have the principles necessary to be a uniting leader in a divisive time. She attempts to hype up a progressive base by endorsing absurd ideologies and attacking people and then backs off of those positions when it is politically convenient.

This election moderates will be concerned with who will provide stability and a sense of normalcy. The ideological beliefs of the candidates are certainly important to voters registered along party lines, but the vast amount of independents just want the craziness to stop. After four years of Trump, many are ready to throw in the towel and vote for Biden. However, it is important to remember that Biden is merely the puppet of those who hold his leash. If Harris is holding that leash -as she will be if he is elected- things will certainly be worse for the country. She will fail to stop violence in our cities and she will cave to progressive causes and ideologies the minute it suits her purposes.

Your humble servant,

Silence Dogood