Not all White People are Racist and Those Who State that Belief are Intellectual-Supremacists

Plato in the School of Athens, by Raphael

A favorite statement by college elites and those they influence is that “all white people are racist.” Despite the absurdity of this claim on its face, it is important not to reject it as the mere ramblings of a large group of discontented people. This phrase is something much more sinister and is a calculated attempt to overthrow the liberties which this country was built upon. In an interview on Michigan Radio, Robin DiAngelo, author of White Fragility stated that, “Racism comes out of our pores as white people. It’s the way that we are.” If this be the case then society must be torn up at the roots. However, what many people don’t realize is that when they accept this argument, they are de facto accepting tyranny, which is the logical conclusion of the arguments of people like Robin DinAgelo.

Before illustrating the harm which the idea that all white people are racist can cause, it is important to refute the claim altogether as it has no intellectual backing. A study reported on by Vox stated that 5.64 percent of white people in the U.S. have views aligned with the alt-right, which is a racist fringe movement. It is important to note however, that this study was extremely biased and even if the questions asked were answered in the affirmative, racism could not be imputed as a belief of the respondent. The questions asked how important their race was to their identity, whether or not white people should fight laws that were discriminatory towards their race, and if white people felt discrimination. However, even if we take the study at its inaccurate face value, the remaining 94.36 percent of white people are not racist.

As the idea is a natural outgrowth of the belief that all police officers are racist it is important to refute this claim as well. This can be done with relative ease, given that there is virtually no evidence that police kill a disproportionate number of black men. In an extensive study published in the National Academy of Sciences researchers stated that, “in the typical shooting, we did not find evidence of anti-Black or anti-Hispanic disparity.” Therefore, while racist incidents may happen, they are not tied to any systemic factors within the police departments

The sheer absurdity on the face of the claim that all whites are racist, should alert people that its covert operation is much more important. In Federalist No. 55 Alexander Hamilton writes that,  “As there is a degree of depravity in mankind which requires a certain degree of circumspection and distrust, so there are other qualities in human nature which justify a certain portion of esteem and confidence. Republican government presupposes the existence of these qualities in a higher degree than any other form.” 

Because our form of government and representative democracy itself presuppose these qualities, what is the natural conclusion of the belief that all people are racist? The answer is that our conduct will be controlled by the philosopher kings that Plato imagined in The Republic. This is one of the reasons that elites are so fascinated with this fabled text. They fancy themselves to be the philosopher kings who will bring goodness into our lives. This is illustrated perfectly by Robin DiAngelo who states that, “As a former professor and current facilitator and consultant, I am in a position to give white people feedback on how their unintentional racism is manifesting itself.” Therefore, even though she is white (and therefore an admitted racist), she believes that she has the moral superiority to lecture us on the way in which we live our lives. Besides the sickening self-flattery of this claim, it is undeniably evident that she believes that people like her should run our society for us. If we are all racist then it takes people like her to counteract that evil and build our society anew.

Robin DiAngelo, college elites, and public intellectuals, who espouse the doctrine that all people are racist are in no way virtuous. They are arrogant, self-conceited bullies, who want to cram their ideas down our throats. The easiest way for them to do this is to claim that we are all racist, because who would allow a society of depraved people to vote? Who would allow them to raise their kids in the manner that they wish to? Who would honor their institutions? The natural conclusion of this evil doctrine of intellectual-supremacy is despotism of the few over the many, the erosion of our God-given freedoms, and the usurpation of power by self-styled philosopher kings.

Your humble servant,

Silence Dogood

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