If one takes even a cursory glance at modern culture, it is not uncommon to hear intellectuals complaining about toxic masculinity. Despite the fact that the term is nothing more than a political buzzword, even WebMD has advice to help men address their toxicity. The author of this doctorally reviewed essay claims that the phrase “toxic masculinity” is not meant to demonize manliness but to “point out that certain behaviors and ways of thinking often associated with masculinity, from mental and physical toughness to sexism and homophobia, have a negative and often dangerous impact on the world.” Apparently, WebMD believes that physical and mental toughness are extremely hazardous. Whenever the phrase toxic masculinity is used, it is typically nothing more than a condemnation of manly virtues.
Although the term toxic masculinity has been abused by ideologues, it is clear that some men can be toxic in a distinctly male way. When men act in ways that are irresponsible and dangerous, they should be criticized. One man who has correctly been the subject of much ire is an internet influencer named Andrew Tate. Tate was a world champion kickboxer who began giving advice to young men on the internet. Unlike responsible athletes who promote respect and moral discipline, Tate has another message. While running a pornography business, he urged his listeners to use their prowess to acquire as many women and as much money as possible. According to Tate, real men must use their prowess in order to be as sexually and socially dominant as possible. He is currently awaiting trial in Romania on rape and human trafficking charges. On a podcast, Tate said he liked Eastern Europe because “corruption is far more accessible. I find it offensive that a police officer in England will stop me and refuse to take a bribe.” His message, while devoid of moral virtue, is not unpopular. In 2022 he was one of the most searched people on Google and his message is popular with many young men.
Naturally, the left has seized on the popularity of Tate to decry all forms of masculinity as toxic. They say we must uproot every form of oppression in our supposedly tyrannical patriarchal society. Apparently, if men are not taught to be sensitive and weak, they become predatory and malicious. If only men were more like women, they wouldn’t exhibit the toxic masculinity of Andrew Tate. Setting aside the benefits of responsible masculinity, one can still see that the left’s “solution” is nonsensical. It is not manliness writ large, Christian chivalry, or even the sexism of the last 200 years that is responsible for the popularity of Andrew Tate. Rather, it is leftists themselves who have led to his emergence.
Toxic masculinity is nothing but the separation of manliness from a duty to God, country, and family. These three spheres of existence have been under attack by the left for decades as vestiges of patriarchal and racial oppression. In 2020 entire cities burned with not even a word uttered by many leftists. One of the most popular American history books ever, A People’s History of the United States is an anti-American screed designed to stir up discontent. In 2022, Gallup found that a record low of only 38% of Americans are extremely proud to be American.
Church attendance is also at an all time low, signifying a major shift in American culture. In 2020, Gallup found that church membership fell below a majority of Americans for the first time in our history. Additionally, the family has suffered the ravages of feminism which is partially responsible for extremely low rates of family formation. Gloria Steinem, a popular feminist from who played an extremely important role in second wave feminism said “a woman needs a husband like a fish needs a bicycle.” The sexual revolution, while supposedly liberating women, also freed men from the bonds of responsible relationships. When marriage and family formation decline men are left without any civilizing responsibilities.
The social fabric of our country, which has been attacked by the left for decades, was a source of meaning for millions of men who disciplined themselves in order to fulfill a higher vocation. In the flaming wreckage of churches, families, and our country, men don’t stop being men. Instead, they exert their manliness outside of any constraints imposed by civil society. While feminists decry the likes of Andrew Tate, in reality they work hand in hand. The truth is that modern liberalism and toxic masculinity are merely two sides of the same coin.