People Who Allow the Exploitation of Children Always Have Excuses

People who perpetrate terrible acts and those who support them often have well thought out excuses. The murderer has his alibi and the abused wife defends her husband’s actions. The same phenomena occurs in the realm of policy making and in the culture. Those who are in power serve as shields for criminals and sometimes sex offenders who perpetrate abhorrent and disgusting acts. 

These excuses can have far reaching and influential consequences which perpetuate society’s gradual slide into the abyss of a society without morals. In the past year we have seen drag queen story hour, a California law reducing the sentences of sexual offenders, and a movie that is so disgusting in its portrayal of children that people are calling for its creators to be arrested. Whether or not you think these events should be legal or not they are undoubtedly odd, perverse, and shouldn’t have any moral supporters. Despite this, large groups of people have been standing up to defend them from what they call “right-wing” attacks.

An event which gained widespread attention in 2019 is called drag queen story hour, where grown men dressed up as drag queens read story books to children and their parents. The description is creepy enough. Why would a grown man want to read books to children he doesn’t know at a library?

Some were there for obviously bad reasons. In fact, one of the drag queens reading to kids at the Houston Public library was a convicted sex offender. Despite the obvious drawback of exposing kids to a concept like “gender fluidity” I’m sure that most of the drag queens weren’t horrible people. But exposing children to men who dress up as hypersexualized caricatures of women seems like borderline exploitation. However, I’ll admit that I didn’t think of this as indicative of any broader trend to take away the innocence of children.

Then California happened. State Senator Scott Wiener introduced a bill that would stop adults from being automatically put on the sex offender if they sodomize or perform oral sex on a minor between 14 and 17 whom they are less than 10 years older than. This bill was passed by the state legislature and signed into law by Gavin Newsom. It is unclear how sex between a 24 year old and a 14 year old or anyone in their twenties and a 14 year old could be consentual, but the bill leaves room for that sort of behavior.

Senator Weiner’s logic behind the bill was that California state law was more lenient for people who performed vaginal sex than those who performed the types more commonly engaged in by LGBTQ+ individuals. If this be the case then he easily could have crafted legislation to make laws harsher for those who engaged in the former type of sex. The fact that he did not is telling. For those who protest about the exception for an 18 year old who has sex with a 17 year old, it is important to note that thiss exception already exists and those cases are often tried as misdemeanors.

However, the thing that truly exposed this movement as a left-wing phenomena which is now gripping the country is the film Cuties. The IMDb parent guide warns viewers that there are “Frequent scenes of 11 yr old girls dancing lewdly where the camera pans in and zooms in on the children’s buttocks and midsections.” It goes on to describe a number of sexual acts performed by the children.

  It is hard to imagine who in their right mind would support this film or portray it as morally acceptable, yet this is exactly what the left did. They stated that it “dramatizes the difficulties of growing up female” and called it “a Moving Coming-of-age Drama,” because the movie is meant to show sexualization in a bad light. However, it doesn’t seem justifiable to sexually exploit child actors in the name of raising awareness about sexual exploitation. This all happened while conservatives were criticized for their “creepy obsession” with the movie.

Leftists also pointed to the director’s comments for a moral justification of their position. She stated that, “Today, the sexier and the more objectified a woman is, the more value she has in the eyes of social media,” which is a problem for underage girls. However it is completely incompatible for leftists who are praising WAP by Cardi B as a deeply feminist song to also complain about the sexualization of underage girls who are on the internet. The utterly confused nature of their position shows their lack of principles.

Alexander Hamilton stated, “If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything.” Leftists have proved that their moral relativism and ends justify the means approach to life prevents them from standing for anything. And they have fallen for supporting activities that are encouraging to pedophiles and allow the exploitation of children.

Your humble servant,

Silence Dogood