The Left Wants Cities to Burn and Unrest to Continue

BLM rioter throws tear gas at police in Portland

Over the past few months, as cities have been burning, democrats and their supporters have been largely silent on the rioting. Only a few have come out to mildly condemn rioting. On Sunday Joe Biden stated, “I condemn violence of every kind by anyone, whether on the left or the right.” However, he has been living under a rock for the past few months or just wanted to save his poll numbers. 

At the same time as he condemned the violence Biden also called on President Trump to do so as well. This despite the fact that when Trump tried to send federal troops to Portland, Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris supported a bill that would prohibit him from doing so. Therefore, it’s safe to say that the Biden/Harris ticket doesn’t actually care whether or not your cities burn.

However, the people that they are beholden to- radical politicians, their progressive base, and the media- are not merely passive about what is happening, they are actively rooting for, justifying, and covering up the violence.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler is one of those people. His August 28th letter to President Trump shows that he is a liar and a fraud. In the letter he refused help from Trump, saying that the president had failed at his COVID-19 response and that he wanted images of violence for his reelection. 

If it was true that images of unrest were good for Trump’s reelection, then why would he refuse federal help? The federal troops would obviously be employed to stop the violence. Also, if he is worried about COVID-19, then wouldn’t he want to enforce physical distancing which is absent at the riots? The truth is that Ted Wheeler doesn’t care about the violence. If we are to judge his motives by the outcome of his actions we could easily come to the conclusion that he likes it. Despite saying that “Those who commit criminal acts will be apprehended and prosecuted under the law,” officials in his city have dropped the charges of numerous people, some of whom were accused of felonies

Kamala Harris also likes the riots despite her claim that she disavows violence. On June 1 of this year she posted a link for the Minnesota Freedom Fund on her personal twitter account. The goal of the fund was to post bail for people who were arrested while protesting in Minnesota. 

Despite what she tells us now, she has always been in favor of the destruction, because she believes, like her democratic colleagues, that America is systemically racist. If this is true, why wouldn’t you support rioting? If the system is truly rigged, then you are justified in destroying the system.

The media is also covering up and justifying the violence which is occurring in cities across America. CNN has run multiple chyrons which prove this beyond a reasonable doubt. On “The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer” CNN displayed a chyron which read “8PM Curfew Ordered After Violent Protests Over Police Shooting Of Unarmed Black Man In Wisconsin.” However, fifteen seconds after it appeared, CNN’s employees removed the word “violent” from the screen. There is no way to read this other than that they don’t want people to know what is happening in major cities. They care more about the democratic politicians who run those cities than about the people who are having their livelihoods destroyed.

However, major news organizations have gone even further than merely covering up the violence. “Your most trusted name in news” also justified it. Another CNN chyron read “Fiery but mostly peaceful protests after police shooting.” It was displayed as CNN correspondent Omar Jimenez stood in front of a burning building which had been torched by rioters. CNN and other news organizations blatantly justify the violence that is occurring in cities.

Although democrat leaders have suddenly decided to disavow violence, they are merely showing that they are vicious opportunists who do not care about the American people. Don’t count on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to stop this violence. Their progressive base and the media support it. And if Harris wasn’t the VP nominee, she would too.