Why the Media Cannot be Objective

Photo Credit: Daniel X. O’Neil from USA, CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

One of the most important traits in any person is humility. Humility allows people to realize the important inheritance which they have been given and build upon it. Without humility, it is easy to become caught up in your own intellect and have false delusions of grandeur which lead you to destroy previously credible institutions to promote your own narrative.

One institution in American life which has become completely devoid of humility is America’s mainstream media. All one needs to do is turn on CNN and listen to Don Lemon tell you about how Trump supporters are like “drug addicts.” Lemon and many others in the media believe that those who disagree with them are idiots who need to be persuaded with biased journalism.

Members of the media are so obsessed with their own intelligence that they are unable to cover things objectively or understand that their job is to provide the American public with objective information. The Washington Post published a column titled The media never fully learned how to cover Trump. But they still might have saved democracy. This self-flattery is characteristic of those in power and illustrates why the media can’t be objective; they are obsessed with their own self-righteousness which makes them demonize anyone who disagrees with their ideological preferences.

What was once objective journalism has become a partisan charade that slobbers over the prevailing Democratic candidate. 

It seems that the media is almost incapable of asking Joe Biden a difficult question or running an overtly critical piece on his presidency. The Daily Beast gave a sample of what the next four years will look like with their article titled Joe Biden’s Dogs Have Told This Pet Psychic a Lot About Their Beloved Master, and His Future. The article goes on to interview a pet psychic who claimed that Joe Biden’s dog’s said he would be a great president.

Additionally, there has been little to no coverage about one of Biden’s prospective picks for Ambassador to China. The man who we were told would restore our status abroad is said to have former Disney CEO Bob Iger at the top of his ambassador wish list. It is important to note that Iger is still the Executive Chairman of Disney which has repeatedly cozied up to the Chinese Communist Party. Disney’s recent Mulan film thanked CCP entities that are tied to the imprisonment of Uighur Muslims.

Most shockingly, the bombshell story that was published by the New York Post about Hunter Biden’s corrupt business dealings was only recently covered by CNN. When it was first released, CNN president Jeff Zucker told his media talking heads to downplay the story. CNN’s political director, David Chalian, was recorded saying, “Obviously, we’re not going with the New York Post story right now on Hunter Biden.”

It is virtually unheard of that a major media outlet would ignore a scandal involving a candidate for the United States Presidency. As always, though, they were blinded by their own self importance. They believed that they couldn’t cover the story until after the election, so that they could help “save democracy” by aiding the downfall of President Trump.

I would propose a different slogan to the Washington Post’s “democracy dies in darkness.” I believe that democracy dies when people no longer think for themselves and are controlled by the narratives of those in power. For the next four years we should recognize that whether or not President-elect Joe Biden does a good job, the media will incessantly praise him. They are devoid of humility and believe that their ultimate objective is to influence the American mind so that more left-leaning politicians can be elected.