Will They Ever Learn?

International tensions are an unavoidable aspect of an imperfect world. Every age has suffered from its own specific problems but conflict has been the norm rather than the exception. Given that we have a historical record replete with international confrontation and a substantial body of literature on foreign policy, one would think that our political leaders would start crafting reasonable strategies for combating foreign adversaries.

Unfortunately, such a wish is nothing more than a pipe dream as was demonstrated by President Joe Biden’s dismal State of the Union Address

The speech began reasonably well, with President Biden paying homage to the fighting spirit of the Ukrainian people. He characteristically gaffed at one point saying that “Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he will never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people.” The sentiment was nice, but it is unlikely that it would give those encircled by tanks much optimism.

To be fair to President Biden, the situation is very difficult. Russia is a nuclear power and any overly aggressive actions could trigger a massive escalation. However, much of the blame for a conflict begins in the months and years preceding it. The greatest politicians seek to avert bloodshed rather than waiting to act after it has already occurred. 

It is for this reason that we view Winston Churchill as a paragon of the 20th century while the pro-appeasement Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain is seen as a failed leader. President Biden’s weak administration and unwillingness to stand up to enemies gave Putin the perfect opportunity to attack. After all, President Biden left hundreds of Americans in Afghanistan. If this is how he cares for fellow citizens, then why would he ever take effective measures to defend other countries?

One would think that in the face of these dismal foreing policy results, the Biden Administration would change its tone. After all, the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. Weakness, it turns out, is not a recipe for success.

Thus, if we wish to know whether or not President Biden has learned from his mistakes, we should look at how he addressed our greatest foreing rival; China.

Far from warning the authoritarian Chinese about America’s resolve and strength, President Biden only mentioned Xi Jinping briefly in his speech claiming that he told the President of China that “it is never a good bet to bet against the American people.” He then triumphantly stated that America will take steps to fight climate change, promote climate justice, build electric vehicle charging stations, and take lead out of pipes.

As China eyes Taiwan, it is unlikely that Xi and the CCP will care whether or not America is taking steps to reduce its carbon footprint.

Unfortunately, President Biden and his Administration are so ideologically blinded that they are unable to craft rational policy. They keep showing weakness and expecting that their enemies will magically evolve into enlightened world leaders. They are, by definition, insane.

When President Trump was in office, one of the favorite pastimes of news anchors was to host psychologists to give their diagnoses on the former president. I would suggest diagnosing the entire Biden Administration with a learning disorder.